StopGap (registered Charity number 1146601), began in 2010 in response to the need for emergency accommodation for homeless people in Sheffield during the coldest months of the year.
We pay for bed and breakfast accommodation for rough sleepers and those people who are at risk of rough sleeping. Since May 2023 we have been working with partner agencies to place people at risk of rough sleeping in hotel accommodation, as we are finding it increasingly hard to find suitable bed and breakfast accommodation.
Since May 2023, we have accommodated 46 people for 120 nights and an average cost per bed night of £53.40.
Local agencies working with homeless and vulnerable people contact us to arrange accommodation. In general, we give people 2-3 nights, but in complex cases we can extend this, so that referral agencies have time to work with them to address longer term housing needs.
Our partner agencies, among others, include Framework, the Archer Project, St Wilfrid’s Centre and the City of Sanctuary.
We ask the agencies to continue to work with people to resolve deeper issues like eviction and/or relationship breakdown, substance misuse and poor mental health.
Our work helps; it provides a moment of security which helps people to get back on their feet. And it gives our referral agencies a chance to work further with them to find longer term solutions to their accommodation and other problems.
Your help and support is greatly appreciated!